How To Cancel Asda Order?
It seems like you suddenly changed your mind and want to cancel the Asda order. Don’t know the procedure? No Worries! Simply follow this guide and learn about it.
Asda is a leading supermarket chain across the UK and sells almost everything. You can get groceries, clothing, home appliances, electronics, Contact lenses, beauty items and more.
To cancel your Asda order, you need to contact their customer service team and request them to cancel the order.
Can You Cancel Your Asda Order?
Yes, you can cancel your Asda order before its delivery. After submitting your cancellation request by contacting their team, the order will be cancelled and you will get a full refund for it.
How To Cancel Asda Order By Email?
The first method to contact the Asda customer service team to cancel your order is by sending an email to their team at
As you sent your email, your order will be cancelled and you will be notified about it.
How To Cancel Asda Order By Calling?
You can also contact the Asda customer service team by calling 0800 479 8716 and ask their team member to cancel your order.
Give them your order details. You can call their team between 9 am to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday.
Also, read How To Cancel Peter Piper Pizza Order?
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Asda’s Return & Refund Policy?
You can return your order within 14 days of its delivery by contacting the Asda customer service team by calling 0800 479 8716 or emailing and getting a full refund.
How To Contact The Asda Customer Service?
You can contact the Asda customer service team by calling 0800 479 8716 or emailing You can also visit the Asda Help Center for more information.
With the methods mentioned in this article, you can successfully cancel your order. If somehow, you are unable to cancel the order, then submit a return request for your order after it is delivered to you. For more details, contact the Asda customer service team anytime.