cancel Betterment account

How To Cancel Betterment Account?

If you want to close your Betterment account but are unsure about how to cancel it. We have got you covered, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide in this article.

Betterment is a mobile application that provides you assistance in saving money and financial advice for investments from a team of experts. It is not a bank but it has partnered with some banks to offer the account holders some banking services.

You can close your Betterment account online or via their mobile app. There are a few things that you should know before initiating the cancellation process. You must read this guide as we have covered everything for you.

What Are The Benefits Of A Betterment Account?

Some people often wish to delete their Betterment accounts because they do not how to use it properly and are unaware of the benefits of the Betterment app. It offers two different types of service levels, the higher tier gives users free access to unlimited financial advice from the experts.

Here is a list of the benefits that you get with Betterment.

  1. It helps you manage your money.
  2. No minimum balance is required to start an account.
  3. You can schedule a session with the experts for investments.
  4. It also provides a tax management feature.
  5. You can either open a Betterment checking or a cash account.
  6. It also assists in how to invest in Cryptocurrency.

How Can I Cancel My Betterment Account?

People choose to close their Betterment account due to several reasons such as changes in investment preferences, financial crises, loss in the stock market, or maybe they find better alternatives. Whatever the reason could be you can easily terminate the services and cancel your account anytime within a few easy steps.

The first and most important step is to withdraw all the funds and ensure that your balance is zero. Then only you can proceed with the cancellation procedure. Before initiating the deletion process make sure there are no pending payments in your account. Review the terms and conditions and then you must follow the below instructions to ensure a smooth account deletion process.

  1. Log in to your Betterment account.
  2. Transfer the funds to the linked bank account.
  3. Disable any recurring payments.
  4. Pause all the investments.
  5. Make sure your account balance is Zero.
  6. Go to the Account settings.
  7. Look for the option to Close the Account.
  8. Select Close Account.
  9. Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm.

Also, read How To Cancel Zillow Account?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Charges For Closing A Betterment Account?

You don’t need to pay any charges to cancel your Betterment account and you can cancel it anytime.

How Can I Contact The Customer Support At Betterment?

If you have any queries related to your account, investments, or withdrawals, you can call the customer support team directly at this number 718400-6898.


Betterment is one of the best apps that help you in managing your money, investment advice, saving for retirement, and tax management. Despite all these benefits, if you wish to cancel your Betterment account then we assure you that this guide will help provide you with a seamless cancellation process.

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